Do you have any questions about your agreement, instalments or insurance? Have you lost your car documents? Have you suffered damage to the financed asset and do not know how to proceed?

Contact us and we will advise you. This section provides answers to the most frequently asked questions you may have during financing.

Financed Asset

In the event of defects in the financed asset after its receipt, all claims for their repair must be raised directly with the supplier in the form of a complaint, under the power of attorney that is part of the General Terms and Conditions. You have the right to ask for repair of the financed asset, or its replacement. You do not have the right to withdraw from the purchase agreement. Under the power of attorney, you act as an authorised representative of our company. Please, notify us of all your actions at [email protected]. During the entire complaints procedure, you are obliged to pay your instalments duly and on time.
If the asset cannot be used due to its defects, you as a client are authorised to raise the issue with the supplier of the asset in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions. Tatra-Leasing, s.r.o. must be notified of the situation in writing at [email protected], or at the company’s address: Tatra–Leasing, s.r.o., Hodžovo námestie 3, 811 06 Bratislava.
Our company will provide you with full cooperation.

Yes, it can. If you want to sublease the asset to another person, you must submit a written Application for Consent to Sublease the Asset to a Third Party (Žiadosť o vystavenie súhlasu s užívaním predmetu tretím subjektom). Along with the Application, you must also sign a Consent to the Provision of Personal Data – Sublease (Third Party)(Súhlas s poskytnutím osobných údajov – subnájom (3. osoba)).

The Application and the Consent must be sent by e-mail to [email protected] or by post to: Tatra–Leasing, s.r.o., Hodžovo námestie 3, 811 06 Bratislava.

Change of Details

You are obliged to notify us of any change in writing by e-mail to [email protected] or by post to Tatra-Leasing, s.r.o., Hodžovo námestie 3, 811 06 Bratislava, by means of an application.

Private individual:

Change of surname - a copy of the ID card must be attached to the Application

Change of permanent address - a copy of the ID card must be attached to the Application

Change of your account number/e-mail address – you must send a completed Application with the new account number or e-mail address Application


Self-employed individual and legal entity:

Change of business name a copy of the extract from the Trade or Business Register with the registered change must be attached to the  Application

Company merger – a notice of merger and a copy of the extract from the Business Register with the registered change must be attached to the Application

Company amalgamation – a notice of amalgamation and a copy of the extract from the Business Register with the registered change must be attached to the Application 

Sale of a business – a notice of the sale, a copy of the sales agreement and a copy of the extract from the Business Register with the registered change must be attached to the Application

Transformation into a joint-stock company – a notice of transformation and a copy of the extract from the Business Register with the registered change must be attached to the Application

Change in the company’s registered office – a copy of the extract from the Business Register with the registered change must be attached to the Application

Change in the place of business – a copy of the extract from the Trade Register with the registered change must be attached to the Application

Change of Tax ID number or VAT number – a copy of the card indicating the Tax ID number or VAT number must be attached to the Application

The Application and the required documents must be sent by e-mail to [email protected] or by post to: Tatra–Leasing, s.r.o., Hodžovo námestie 3, 811 06 Bratislava.

The heirs shall immediately report the lessee’s death and send a copy of the death certificate by e-mail to [email protected] or by post to: Tatra–Leasing, s.r.o., Hodžovo námestie 3, 811 06 Bratislava. A notice of heirs issued by a notary’s office must be delivered along with the death notice. After the completion of the inheritance proceedings, the entitled heir(s) is/are obliged to deliver a notarised copy of the inheritance decision. At the same time, it is necessary to deliver identification or other documents of the rightful heir(s).

Tatra-Leasing, s.r.o. shall prepare an amendment to the agreement based on the final decision of inheritance proceedings, whereby the financed asset and the associated rights and obligations shall be transferred to the rightful heir(s).

Insurance Claim

In the event that the financed asset has sustained total damage or the vehicle has been stolen, please follow these steps:

  • Report the accident immediately to the Slovak Police, law enforcement authorities.
  • Report the issue without delay (within 2 days at the latest) to the insurance company with which you have your car’s CASCO insurance and claim compensation from the insurance company.
  • If you have additional financial loss insurance, also report this event to the insurance company where you have additional insurance.
  • If you are not the guilty party in the accident, the claim will be settled by the insurance company where the guilty party in the accident has liability insurance. Therefore, the accident must also be reported to that insurance company.
  • Report the damage to Tatra-Leasing, s.r.o. within 7 days of the accident by contacting the INFOLEASING client hotline at 02/59195919 or by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

If you have an account in the Klientskej zóne, (Klientská zóna), you can report the insurance claim online via the form in the Insurance claims (Poistné udalosti) section.

Please note that until the insurance claim has been settled, you are obliged to pay the instalments in accordance with the payment schedule duly and on time.

After receiving the claim report and the insurance benefit from the insurance company, we will prepare the financial settlement of the contract (on the date of the insurance claim) and send it to your address.

In the case of a loss-incurring event or insurance claim, you are obliged to report it to the law enforcement authorities immediately after it occurs if damage exceeds EUR 3,990. You also have a reporting obligation towards the insurance company with which you have the CASCO insurance. At the insurance company, you need to fill in the relevant forms and a claim registration certificate as well as information about the estimated extent of damage.

If your insurance was arranged by Tatra-Leasing, s.r.o., you must apply in writing for the release of the insurance benefit (devinkulácia poistného plnenia). Generally, the insurance company that settles the claim should request consent to release the insurance benefit. This consent can also be granted to you as a client. You will then communicate directly with the insurance company and the workshop.

You can request the release of the insurance benefit by sending an e-mail to [email protected], in which you must provide the financing agreement number, insurance claim number and the date of the insurance claim.


If you cannot pay your instalment when due, please contact us as soon as possible to find an acceptable solution for both parties. Please, e-mail a short explanation of the situation and any expectations to: [email protected], or send them by post to: Tatra-Leasing, s.r.o., Hodžovo námestie 3, 811 06 Bratislava.

Even if you are insolvent, we offer you a number of solutions, but you must inform us of all the facts and send us:

You need to send an application for a specific solution, stating the reason why you are unable to pay the monthly instalments in accordance with the applicable payment schedule. In the application, please suggest, how you would change the payment schedule to allow you to duly meet your obligations. Any change in the payment schedule is subject to approval on a case-by-case basis. If your application is approved, we will sign an amendment to the agreement with a new payment schedule with you. Such changes are subject to a fee in accordance with the applicable Fee Schedule (Sadzobník poplatkov).

The application must be sent by e-mail to [email protected] or by post to: Tatra–Leasing, s.r.o., Hodžovo námestie 3, 811 06 Bratislava.

The payment schedule can be changed based on an Application for a Change in the Payment Schedule (Žiadosť o vypracovanie zmeny splátkového kalendára), which must specify the solution and state the reason why you are unable to pay the monthly instalments duly and on time in accordance with the applicable payment schedule. Please, also specify in the Application your proposal to change the payment schedule so that you would be able to meet your obligations duly and on time.

Any application for a change in the payment schedule (restructuring) is subject to approval on a case-by-case basis. If your application is approved, we will sign an amendment to the financing agreement. The amendment will also include a new payment schedule. Any change in the payment schedule is subject to a fee in accordance with the applicable Fee Schedule (Sadzobník poplatkov).

You can submit your request by calling the INFOLEASING client hotline at 02/5919 5919, or in writing by sending a completed application by e-mail to [email protected] or by post to: Tatra–Leasing, s.r.o., Hodžovo námestie 3, 811 06 Bratislava.


You must apply for the issuance of documents required to issue a copy of the vehicle registration certificate or licence plate at the Transport Inspectorate in writing, by completing and sending an Application by e-mail to [email protected], by post to Tatra-Leasing, s.r.o., Hodžovo námestie 3, 811 06 Bratislava, or by calling the INFOLEASING client hotline at 02/5919 5919.

You can collect the documents required for the Transport Inspectorate in person at the registered office of Tatra-Leasing, s.r.o., or we will send them by post to your postal address. The issuing of documents required to issue a copy of the vehicle registration certificate or licence plate will be subject to a fee in accordance with the applicable Fee Schedule (Sadzobník poplatkov).

If you have any questions, please contact us via the INFOLEASING client hotline at 02/5919 5919 or by e-mail at [email protected].


All applications are available on www.tatraleasing.sk in the footer under Useful information (Užitočné informácie)/Documents for download (Dokumenty na stiahnutie).

The fees are published in the Fee Schedule (Sadzobník poplatkov) available on www.tatraleasing.sk in the page footer under Useful information (Užitočné informácie)/Fee Schedule (Sadzobník poplatkov).

Yes, an agreement can be terminated early, by agreement. The requirement for an agreement on early termination of the contractual relationship with Tatra-Leasing, s.r.o. is the settlement of all contractual obligations, i.e. instalments in accordance with the payment schedule, and all invoices issued during the contractual relationship to date (fees, fines, late payment interest, etc.).

If you wish to terminate your agreement early, you must submit a written Application or call the INFOLEASING client hotline at 02/5919 5919, providing the termination date (or specifying which instalments you still intend to pay). We will then prepare a proposal for the financial settlement of your agreement and calculate the selling price. We will send you the proposal in writing to the contact address you provided (preferably an e-mail address). If you accept our proposal and pay the selling price, we will send you all the necessary documents for early termination.

Please note that if the financed asset is an asset with a vehicle registration certificate, to change the owner, you must then visit the Transport Inspectorate and re-register the vehicle owner in their records. For this purpose, along with the settlement of the agreement, we will send you the power of attorney for the Transport Inspectorate to re-register vehicle ownership, and our company’s current extract from the Business Register.

The Application must be sent by e-mail to [email protected] or by post to: Tatra–Leasing, s.r.o., Hodžovo námestie 3, 811 06 Bratislava.

If you have paid the last instalment, the agreement can be properly terminated. The requirement for proper termination of any contractual relationship with Tatra-Leasing, s.r.o. is the settlement of all contractual obligations, i.e. instalments in accordance with the payment schedule, and all invoices issued during the contractual relationship (fees, fines, late payment interest, etc.). In the event of a lease agreement, after the settlement of all obligations, we will issue an invoice for the purchase price agreed in the lease agreement. 

Please note that the payment of the purchase price results in a change of ownership of the leased asset. If the asset is an asset with a vehicle registration certificate, it is then necessary to visit the competent Transport Inspectorate and re-register the financed asset registered in their records to the new owner. We will send you the power of attorney to re-register the financed asset and our company’s current extract from the Business Register by post to your address.


Yes, the asset can be reinsured. Please call us at the INFOLEASING client hotline at 02/5919 5919, send an e-mail to: [email protected] or post to: Tatra–Leasing, s.r.o., Hodžovo námestie 3, 811 06 Bratislava, to specify your reinsurance requirements and the reinsurance effective date.

Reinsurance of the asset is subject to a fee in accordance with the applicable Fee Schedule (Sadzobník poplatkov).


The re-issuance of documents to re-register the vehicle with the Transport Inspectorate – if you did not re-register the vehicle after agreement termination while the documents remained valid (i.e. within 3 months from the last authentication of documents), you can request the documents to be re-issued based on a completed Application (in writing to: Tatra–Leasing, s.r.o., Hodžovo námestie 3, 811 06 Bratislava, by calling the INFOLEASING client hotline at 02/5919 5919 or by e-mail to: [email protected]).

The issuance of these documents is subject to a fee in accordance with the applicable Fee Schedule (Sadzobník poplatkov). After the payment of the fee, you can collect the documents for the re-registration of the vehicle with the Traffic Inspectorate in person at the registered office or a branch of Tatra-Leasing, s.r.o. or we will send them to you by post.

The Application must be sent by e-mail to [email protected] or by post to: Tatra–Leasing, s.r.o., Hodžovo námestie 3, 811 06 Bratislava.

Any Certificate must be requested in writing. Please specify in your request (in writing to Tatra–Leasing, s.r.o., Hodžovo námestie 3, 811 06 Bratislava, by e-mail to: [email protected], by calling the INFOLEASING client hotline at 02/5919 5919) the certificate you are asking for and its purpose.

The application is subject to a fee in accordance with the applicable Fee Schedule (Sadzobník poplatkov).

All consents, certificates and contractual documents are sent based on clients’ requirements by post to their address or to a specific Tatra-Leasing, s.r.o. branch, or can be collected by clients in person at the headquarters of Tatra-Leasing, s.r.o.

If you need to have the documents available as soon as possible, please use our Client Zone (Klientská zóna). The Client Zone, which is very easy to set up access to, allows you to work easily and instantly with the documents you need.

Did not find the answer to your question?

Leave us your contact details and together we will find a solution tailored to your needs.

In relation to submitting this contact form, we will process your personal data. For more information, please refer to the Information Memorandum on Personal Data Protection.